Our Artificial Intelligence has started its learning process.

The European research project Teaming AI, in which 15 partners from 8 different countries participated, has come to an end. The Artificial Intelligence born from this collaboration to increase the sustainability of our production is already learning. Thanks to an avalanche of data and the invaluable support of a highly experienced team.


In mid-June, the companies that have formed the consortium came to Valencia where our company became the host of three intense days. These included both the Final General Assembly (where the partners shared the results of the project) and the meeting with the project reviewers from the European Commission.

It has been many months of hard work alongside profiles very different from ours, such as computer theorists, more accustomed to academic discussions than to tangible realities. And the lessons learned (such as the one we mentioned a few weeks ago) have been very valuable.

It is true that we started from very low levels of waste, but we know that this algorithm will be able to provide us with more knowledge and more effectiveness if we give it time and continue to provide it with data and human support. We now trust that the project will continue and that the alliances we have forged between such different actors will be re-established to continue moving forward with these open innovation models.

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