
Get to know the latest news at Industrias Alegre

  • "Industrias Alegre will continue with its innovation projects despite everything"

    Enrique Careaga, our director general confirms that, with the withdrawal of Ford from the Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTEs) for electric and connected vehicles, valuable funding for innovative projects has been lost. However he also affirms that Industrias Alegre has decided to continue moving forward with its plans, because the company plays a major role in another collaborative project and because it is working hard to ensure that its innovation proposals get the necessary funding.

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  • Milagros Martínez and Jacek Frąckowiak, winning ideas

    Milagros Martínez, who works in our Valencian plant, and Jacek Frąckowiak, from Poland, knew that, in each of their workspaces, their work could be improved. And they decided to make their suggestions for improvement through the company's innovation platform. They were brilliant ideas that were accepted, and brought them both recognition from the company and last year's TOP 1 award. Today we ask them: Why did they do it?

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  • Data and artificial intelligence experts study our projects

    Organised by Atlas Tecnologico, the People and Data 2022 conference was held in Valencia at the end of September. Its aim was to unite key people and organisations in the Spanish digital ecosystem with the greatest experts of Industry 4.0. Its programme included talks, time for networking and visits to some highlighted industries. One of them was ours.

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  • Driving towards the future at the smart mobility fair

    Industrias Alegre rolled out its innovative potential at the second edition of Smart Mobility Valencia, the fair dedicated to the future of automotives. Our plastronics demonstrator and polypropylene additive manufactured parts were the stars of a stand that received many visitors throughout the day.

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  • Un momento difícil e ilusionante. Reflexiones de Mónica Alegre después del encuentro de Sernauto

    “Proveedores de automoción comprometidos con el futuro” era el título del encuentro que la pasada semana vivimos de la mano de Sernauto. Un encuentro perfectamente alineado con la realidad que actualmente vive el sector de la automoción en la que los proveedores tenemos mucho que decir. Nuestra compañera Mónica Alegre comparte aquí sus reflexiones sobre la reunión.

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  • Development Engineering: strategies at the service of the circular economy

    Reuse, reduce, recycle. Just three words. But they sum up the paradigm shift that is taking place in the industrial sphere: the emergence of the circular economy and its many requirements. At Industrias Alegre, the development engineering team places its extensive experience, the most recent innovations and huge doses of ingenuity at the service of those three Rs. And also the planet.

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